Common accidents with electric scooters in Lithuania

In recent years, electric scooters have become a popular mode of transport in Lithuania. However, there are concerns that they may cause an alarming number of accidents. According to a recent study, in 2018, accidents caused by electric scooters accounted for more than half of all transport-related injuries in the country.

The study also found that more than half of all electric scooter accidents involved serious injuries. Most of the accidents took place in urban areas and were often caused by drivers who did not know how to operate an electric scooter. Most of the injured scooter drivers were male, aged between 18 and 24.

This is worrying news for Lithuania as electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular. The government is working on new rules to make riding electric scooters safer. In the meantime, riders should make sure they are familiar with the rules of the road and always wear a helmet when riding. Scooter users should also try to ride in areas where there are fewer pedestrians and fewer cars to reduce the risk of accidents. By following these safety precautions, scooter riders can ensure their safety while enjoying the convenience of electric scooters.